Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment
werteverfall - 25. März, 21:46
CABE - inspiring people to demand more from their buildings and spaces
quelle zu zahlreichen analysen und empfehlungen zur architektur und stadtplanung in Großbritannien mit dem ziel die öffentlichkeit für ästhetik gebauter umwelt zu sensibilisieren
We believe that well designed homes, streets, parks, work-places, schools and hospitals are the fundamental right of everyone. We use our skills and resources to work for a higher quality of life for people and communities across England, with particular concern for those living in deprived areas. We do this by making the case for change, gathering hard evidence, providing education opportunities and through direct help on individual programmes and projects.
We motivate those responsible for providing our buildings and spaces to design and develop well. We demonstrate to those clients that investment in excellence will pay back many times over through a more productive workforce, more contented customers and a healthier bottom line.
ähnliche ziele verfolgt die in gründung befindliche Bundesstiftung Baukultur in Deutschland
quelle zu zahlreichen analysen und empfehlungen zur architektur und stadtplanung in Großbritannien mit dem ziel die öffentlichkeit für ästhetik gebauter umwelt zu sensibilisieren
We believe that well designed homes, streets, parks, work-places, schools and hospitals are the fundamental right of everyone. We use our skills and resources to work for a higher quality of life for people and communities across England, with particular concern for those living in deprived areas. We do this by making the case for change, gathering hard evidence, providing education opportunities and through direct help on individual programmes and projects.
We motivate those responsible for providing our buildings and spaces to design and develop well. We demonstrate to those clients that investment in excellence will pay back many times over through a more productive workforce, more contented customers and a healthier bottom line.
ähnliche ziele verfolgt die in gründung befindliche Bundesstiftung Baukultur in Deutschland
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