ökonomische entwicklung Estlands/Tallinns
werteverfall - 13. Juli, 16:10
auszug aus Tallinn Development Plan 2001-2005 - richtextfile von madr+d
"Main Objective I: To create favorable business environment...
...To support small business and to increase new entrepreneurship...
...To establish physical and engineering infrastructure... incl. Tallinn Technology Park...
For the Baltic states, and for Tallinn, the geographical position between Scandinavian countries and Russia has been an important determinant of economic, political, social and cultural development.
...being Finland’s neighbor has been quite crucial. ...quite a clear idea of what the market economy is in general, and what the main rules of a democratic society are spread through TV and other communication channels. This compensated partly for the tightly closed Iron Curtain...
...The transition to a market economy was supported by the re-establishment of independence (August 1991)... Characteristic features of Estonian reforms have been radical and rapid introduction of market oriented institutions accompanied by high social costs.
...By the end of 1993 less than 20% of all service establishments were state owned... As of today, the only government-owned companies are those of energy and infrastructure.
...Unemployment in Estonia has increased gradually, and there has been no explosion of unemployment, including social disturbances, massive unemployment etc...
The high degree of economic freedom and very liberal economic policy has led to minimum state interference into the economy and, thus, building the business support system as well as respective infrastructure has been limited to only a few support measures (of mostly regional nature, i.e. available outside of bigger cities)"
"Main Objective I: To create favorable business environment...
...To support small business and to increase new entrepreneurship...
...To establish physical and engineering infrastructure... incl. Tallinn Technology Park...
For the Baltic states, and for Tallinn, the geographical position between Scandinavian countries and Russia has been an important determinant of economic, political, social and cultural development.
...being Finland’s neighbor has been quite crucial. ...quite a clear idea of what the market economy is in general, and what the main rules of a democratic society are spread through TV and other communication channels. This compensated partly for the tightly closed Iron Curtain...
...The transition to a market economy was supported by the re-establishment of independence (August 1991)... Characteristic features of Estonian reforms have been radical and rapid introduction of market oriented institutions accompanied by high social costs.
...By the end of 1993 less than 20% of all service establishments were state owned... As of today, the only government-owned companies are those of energy and infrastructure.
...Unemployment in Estonia has increased gradually, and there has been no explosion of unemployment, including social disturbances, massive unemployment etc...
The high degree of economic freedom and very liberal economic policy has led to minimum state interference into the economy and, thus, building the business support system as well as respective infrastructure has been limited to only a few support measures (of mostly regional nature, i.e. available outside of bigger cities)"